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The calendar above shows our retail rates. Community Groups and Charities please contact us to check if discounts are available.
Monday - Sunday: 08:00 to 23:00
Cycling at the Finsbury Park Track and Gym is managed by Pedal Power cycling club for people of all ages with learning disabilities.
The Pedal Power website is where you will find details of their regular drop in sessions for individuals.
Pedal Power also organises sessions for groups from schools and community groups.
Under the expert supervision of the Pedal Power instructors, and in the enclosed space of the Finsbury Park Track, this is an excellent environment for vulnerable adults and children to enjoy the freedom of cycling.
Cycling at the Finsbury Park Track and Gym is managed by Pedal Power cycling club for people of all ages with learning disabilities.
The Pedal Power website is where you will find details of their regular drop in sessions for individuals.
Pedal Power also organises sessions for groups from schools and community groups.
Under the expert supervision of the Pedal Power instructors, and in the enclosed space of the Finsbury Park Track, this is an excellent environment...
Finsbury Park Sports Partnership
Hornsey Gate
Endymion Road
N4 1EE